On Easy Street.

You is liking Metody's wallpaper yes? It is wall from new flat given him by Social Security. Is wery good flat I am thinking. Now Metody has valuable home he can take out loans from high street lenders rather than Alan the Incest and get him clothing from Boden catalogue so that he look like good house husband. Wery much inpressive for woman no? I think I well get many shags.
Also now Metody is officially without work he qualify for free dental treatment so Metody can get cocktail stick remowed from big back tooth where it has been now since 2007 already.
Metody must have been mad to try working here in Britain. When Metody work he was in shitters street. Also too have been reading prospectus on social welfare and find that if I get drug habit this entitles Metody to join 'Choose Life' gentlemen's club and get free day trips to go-gart tracks, and for the eating of free dinners!
No wonder Englishman not want work at Danepak for £3.45 on the hour!


lilith said...

You have got it Metody. I always wondered why you were struggling at Danepak.....

lilith said...

I hope you are sending your child benefit home to the missus....