Polish Anglers (from Daily Mail)

By Mrs. Helen Dowd

15th August 2009

Eastern Europeans Gypsies have been banned from fishing at a lake – after the site owner claimed they were stealing his stock. Farmer Adolfus Evans charges anglers £7 a day at his four-acre lake, which is stocked with pounds worth of carp, tench, roach and bream. Anglers are permitted to keep two of the fish they catch per day from open waters – but many private fisheries, such as Mr Evans’s, bar them from taking any. Mr Evans, 71, of Führer Farm Fisheries in Launton, Oxfordshire, said that there are normally 18 fish in his lake but that 6 have been stolen by these eastern European anglers.

A month ago he erected a large hand-made sign reading: ‘No Pole Bastards or Eastern European Gypo fishers allowed.’ Since then he claims that he has not caught anybody stealing his fish. He said: ‘I’ve found packs of Poles eating a fish. I’ve been catching them red-handed and have seen them on my CCTV leaving with another fish.

‘I’ve also caught them using gypsy talismans, which can kill a normal size Englishman.

‘The eastern Europeans tend to fish in groups, not alone, and I caught one pack laughing, pointing and speaking Romany. I told them it wasn’t allowed and one guy tried to hoodo me.

‘That was a month ago, and it was then I decided to ban them. Since then they haven’t been back but my water has turned purple.’

An Environment Agency spokesman said anyone doing hoodos could be prosecuted. But Thames Valley Police said no thefts from Mr Evans’s lake had been reported. A spokesman for the Equality and Human Rights Commission said: ‘It is unlawful to be refused a service – or not to be given the same standard of service extended to others – on grounds of race.

Comments: Here's what Mail readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts.

I would suspect that Mr Adolf Evans has not reported the thefts to the police because he knows that they won't do anything about it. I suspect he can expect them to turn up and arrest him for being white though.

Typical of the EHRC to stick their oar in, perhaps they should be reminded that it is unlawful for tinkers and the like to own property without permission. Apart from that who says he's denying them a service because of race, the way I see it he's denying a service because all foreigners are criminals. And angling is hardly a service.

- Phil, Clartherton, UK., 16/8/2009 09:05

Its happening all over the country. In my hometown they, being Polish/Eastern Europeans, are catching and eating in vast numbers pike, crows and cows from the fields. The staff from the River Authority try their best but would you approach a group of dirty men stealing whilst of your own! Something needs to be done.

- Lieghton Knight, UK, 16/8/2009 08:57

I see the human rights brigade have put their ten pence in at the bottom of the story, it is also wrong of the eastern lot to eat our fish a fact elf and safety seem to have forgot.

- Jack, Durham, 16/8/2009 08:56

The EHRC may be right but surely the rights are suspended when the individuals are in breach of rules that apply to that type. We all have the right to free speech but not these Poles, or whoever they are, they knew that they were in breach of the rules and chose to disregard them. Hang them end of story.

The farmer is well within his rights to ban a ‘particular group’ because of constant "theft" of fish. It is the same as shops banning blacks or banks banning people who wear skull caps. The guy is trying to protect his assets from the criminal and feckless members of society and good luck to him.

- Poilce Sgt Podge, Bolton, 16/8/2009 08:43


My heart is with Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Megrahi, who has the terminal prostate cancer, and whose condition has taken a "significant turn for the worse" in recent weeks. Metody only is hoping that the grace of God who looked down so mercifully on spiv Ernest Saunders who was suffering from pre-senile dementia is with Megrahi likewise. Ernest whose brain was abnormally small for man his age, was showing shrinkage of the type normally associate with disease. Who thanks be to God a few weeks later, was released, him having served only 10 months of sentence. Five years on Ernest made recovery so miraculous that then he headed consortium bid for Queen's Park Rangers, football team he first sponsored while chief executive of Guinness.
So too Grand Train robber Mr. Bigg have dismissed suggestions that his ill health was part of a con to get him freed from prison on compassionate grounds. Mr. Bigg also hit out at claims that his condition improve after his release last week.
In exclusive interview with the Standard, Mr. Bigg say: "The thought that I’ve been pretending to be nearly dead with pneumonia, spending hours trying to ingest food through a tube for the last few years, and then suddenly rising, Lazarus-like, from my sickbed to live the life of Riley, is both dastardly and very hurtful."
Mr. Bigg, will return home from hospital early next week, he revealed. He hoped that he would be discharged in afternoon but doctor say no and insist on further tests before he travel from Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital to Dorchester Hotel.
Mr. Bigg he say: "I remain a very sick man who is entering the last chapter of his life. I cannot walk, talk, eat or do anything unaided apart from smile and be happy.
"I am, imprisoned in my own body as securely as when exiled in Rio de Janeiro. The only difference is that now I am legally free, I’m happier at having served my time and therefore have greater emotional and physical resources to fight the illness. If I had stayed in the prison, I'm sure I would be not so fucking cock a’hoop."

As Metody always say prison not about revenge, but for place to get in touch with feminine side.



Yes Metody is away now over one year. Police always have same old story of no being no. Still Swansea jail is wery good, and Metody had good view of sea, and refinery.

Metody no longer pack meat for job. Now Metody own van for LOGISTICS. Metody is own boss, and who knows where his road will lead him. Also now live in fine van, so need for caravan.


(Mama and her two sisters Aunt Danuta, and Aunt Weronika)

Tomorrow is being Metody's birthday, and it is a Friday! So Metody and his friend will be able to go drinking in Llanelli's Thomas Pepper nightclub, and then to pick up with maybe two women to take back to Theodot's caravan. As it is birthday we will have the parafin heater to put on before we go out so that caravan is hot for when we return with the women! Women do like heat, and are more likely to take off their blouse if they are sweating.

Yes it is forty three years since Mama give birth to Metody on floor of kitchen. The time it is flown! Where is all those people?



Hey everyone Metody is back now after spending three months in the prison. I know what you is thinking! Yes Metody was maybe drinking and has again an episode like when he take shit in public park sand pit of the children. This however is not being the case!
Metody had problem with girlfriend Donna if you are remembering. This was bad time for Metody, and he was maybe not all smiles. Yes Metody try put foreman of Danepak (he Wayne who make fuck with Donna) in boot of BMW and then leave parked at Barry Island car park. Judge say to Metody is good job that Wayne not die and manage to survive one week drinking own urine, otherwise Metody in very trouble.
Metody is sorry to Wayne.


Please to excuse earlier entry. Metody had been drinking home make wodka and was feeling little down in mouth. Also Donna, woman Metody make sexy with, tell Metody that he is bastard and that she no longer will see him or even make fuck. This is because she finds Metody film the sex and put it on internet to make money. But Metody replace her head with that of red ballon using photoshop, still she very cross as she say her ex might recognize with her wagina and as she has wery distinctive flaps.
Metody eat thirty small plastic bag of pork scratching snack in order to die like little boy who’s mother she fed him salt. But Metody just wake up thirsty and have made shit in his pants.
But Metody now puts all of this into its proper place, and decides that Donna is not worth being dead. So Metody is more normal now in himself. I will now go play tape in my BMW of fine English singer Mary Hopkin.


Metody is having decided that he will stop blogging. Sure for some it is an escape from an life that does not offer all that he would wish on himself. Maybe this is the easy way to feel less alone, but without any commitment or effort, such as in circumstances with people that he might meet in his life. For the other it might be a chance to be read and admired for sharp insight and wit, and the need to communicate those ideas that they have to others.

‘Whatever’ as my friend Tina she say.

But poor Metody he sees so much patting on the back, like in television awards ceremonies. This is most distasteful. Also so many think that their be something inside of them that they need to showing to others, but still inside of them is also liver, and kidneys, spleen, lung, and gall bladder; and like these it might be best left inside the body and not exposed. This electric communication has its share of people with gifts, as in all streets of life, but then there is too much that is wery depressing and to the self it indulges, also Metody is thinking that too many think that recognition from others must be sign of type of fine capacity, but this is far from so. So for Metody it makes him decide to spend his energies in a healthier more productive mode.
At twelve by the clock this dinner time (England time) Metody will eat of pork scratchings till he is dead. I say goodbye to some of you. Never ask of Metody agin for he is gone.



Wiktor Potocki is in Sieradz prison already for 10 years. He ended up behind bars in 1996, because from Bohdan 'The Pipe' my cousin Wiktor Chalubinski he was to buy many bottles of prescription benzodiazepines (he run bar, and put them in nice looking lady's drink so that she will make sweet loving with him after bar close).
Bohdan he drive fine British Austin Princess from all money he make from eager widowers in my home town. But my cousin Wiktor he is now in jail.
Is wery distressing for Wiktor's wife as she is not able now to make decisions for herself as there is no man to tell her. During his trial judge was not at all concerned with fact that Wiktor was for few years sexually harassed, attacked and humiliated by local pig. He comes from Hrádek village and he didn't have money for good lawyer. He was sentenced like a normal criminal. 15 years of jail is a good example of state "justice".

After serving 2/3 of his sentence Wiktor has right to appeal for earlier release. He never caused any trouble and continued his education. Despite that there are no apparent reasons to keep him locked, he is still refused release.
During last years there were thirty signatures collected in his support, yet court still rejects his appeal.

Probably in October there will be another parole board deciding granting him freedom. Unfortunately without professional help there are little chances that Wiktor will receive it. There is a need for a good lawyer, especially in situation when from legal point of view there is nothing that should stop Wiktor from being released. Leaving him on his own we would loose unique chance to get him out of this shit, in which he landed also because of ideas that are close to all of us.

We appeal to all groups and individuals to support Wiktor. Money for lawyer is needed now (cost will be around 10,000 USD). In case that Wiktor would be released he will need money to meet his basic needs as well, as he will not have much funds. He will need help with finding work, house, wife etc.


In 2008, in spite of the fact that Wiktor had a lawyer, both lower and superior court did not agree to his earlier release. They said that is it because of "not fully critical attitude towards the crime he committed". The struggle for his release still goes on.

We still collect money for Wiktor to help him in the future.

We should all get involved!

Nihilist Orange Cross

Accounts on which we collect funds:

Jakub Glowacki
PL05 1141 6974 0000 5295 4778 3469
BRE Bank S.A. Retail Banking, al. Mickiewicza 10, 90-050 _ód_
SORT CODE: 17843004

mBank PL81 1140 7076 0000 3382 3567 5266
Katarzyna Kossak-Szczucka
BRE Bank S.A. Retail Banking, al. Mickiewicza 10, 97-050 _ód_
SORT CODE- 11432554

Write "for Wiktor"

If You can, copy this appeal and send it forward!

There is also a new bank account created, where you can donate money for some products that will be sent to Wiktor every month. Pease pay the donations here:

87 1090 1506 0000 0000 5001 7923
87-100 TORU

You can send letters, fanzines, vege food, tapes, CDs. Write to him (in English preferably) - max. 2 kg.:

Wiktor Potocki
Zakad Karny
ul. Orzechowa 5
98-200 Sieradz


Aunt Grazyna and Grandfather Zbigniew.
(you can see her withered leg)

I feel like Józef T. K. Korzeniowski come to here your great country of England to make wonderful life and find that everyone he is making shit where he is eating.
What is wrong with people here. Ten years previously I was coming out of jail in Hrádek for selling pig milk to help my family. I had no car, as it was too much to pay, I live with my sister who make fuck to Dodek Dudek for money that help with money to feed mother, and grandmother. I have no wife as she die from selling blood.
Now here I live in Wales England and I have BMW, and I earn £170.00 in one week packing flesh for Danepak company. I have woman to make sex with and I smoke cigarettes that are made not from cardboard and Chinese pubic hair. I is loving this country and Mr. Brown. The world is all mad or what?