Please to excuse earlier entry. Metody had been drinking home make wodka and was feeling little down in mouth. Also Donna, woman Metody make sexy with, tell Metody that he is bastard and that she no longer will see him or even make fuck. This is because she finds Metody film the sex and put it on internet to make money. But Metody replace her head with that of red ballon using photoshop, still she very cross as she say her ex might recognize with her wagina and as she has wery distinctive flaps.
Metody eat thirty small plastic bag of pork scratching snack in order to die like little boy who’s mother she fed him salt. But Metody just wake up thirsty and have made shit in his pants.
But Metody now puts all of this into its proper place, and decides that Donna is not worth being dead. So Metody is more normal now in himself. I will now go play tape in my BMW of fine English singer Mary Hopkin.

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