My heart is with Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Megrahi, who has the terminal prostate cancer, and whose condition has taken a "significant turn for the worse" in recent weeks. Metody only is hoping that the grace of God who looked down so mercifully on spiv Ernest Saunders who was suffering from pre-senile dementia is with Megrahi likewise. Ernest whose brain was abnormally small for man his age, was showing shrinkage of the type normally associate with disease. Who thanks be to God a few weeks later, was released, him having served only 10 months of sentence. Five years on Ernest made recovery so miraculous that then he headed consortium bid for Queen's Park Rangers, football team he first sponsored while chief executive of Guinness.
So too Grand Train robber Mr. Bigg have dismissed suggestions that his ill health was part of a con to get him freed from prison on compassionate grounds. Mr. Bigg also hit out at claims that his condition improve after his release last week.
In exclusive interview with the Standard, Mr. Bigg say: "The thought that I’ve been pretending to be nearly dead with pneumonia, spending hours trying to ingest food through a tube for the last few years, and then suddenly rising, Lazarus-like, from my sickbed to live the life of Riley, is both dastardly and very hurtful."
Mr. Bigg, will return home from hospital early next week, he revealed. He hoped that he would be discharged in afternoon but doctor say no and insist on further tests before he travel from Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital to Dorchester Hotel.
Mr. Bigg he say: "I remain a very sick man who is entering the last chapter of his life. I cannot walk, talk, eat or do anything unaided apart from smile and be happy.
"I am, imprisoned in my own body as securely as when exiled in Rio de Janeiro. The only difference is that now I am legally free, I’m happier at having served my time and therefore have greater emotional and physical resources to fight the illness. If I had stayed in the prison, I'm sure I would be not so fucking cock a’hoop."

As Metody always say prison not about revenge, but for place to get in touch with feminine side.


Anonymous said...

do you ferment horse urine like Borat???

Metody Jankowiak said...

Metod tired of hearing on Borat. This fellow Sasha Alan Coren makes crude stereotyping of Eastern European for cheap laugh.
Beside horse urine is waste product and all is good for is make back hair soft on woman. Do you know nothings in this country?

Metody Jankowiak said...

Go here now
